Our Treatments
Acupuncture & Dry Needling
Acupuncture is a gentle and effective medical treatment with a long history. Tiny sterile single-use needles are placed in specific areas of the body to stimulate the nervous and immune systems to speed up healing, reduce pain and inflammation, improve circulation and promote feelings of relaxation. Acupuncture works seamlessly in conjunction with physical therapy, chiropractic, and massage. It has minimal side effects and no prescription drug interactions so it is perfect for those who are undergoing medical treatments. Acupuncture helps the body heal naturally and our patients love how it makes them feel!
Dry Needling is an acupuncture technique that focuses on releasing muscle tension and deactivating painful trigger points. We use dry needling in conjunction with other acupuncture techniques to gently and effectively resolve musculoskeletal issues.

Integrative Fertility
Many women need help along their fertility journey. Whether you are trying to conceive naturally, or undergoing IVF or IUI, we are here to tip the scales in your favor. Acupuncture is proven to promote blood flow to the uterus and reproductive organs, improve egg quality, reduce stress, and improve the success of IVF by 30-50%. We customize our fertility protocols to exactly where you are in your process. For those undergoing IVF or IUI, we keep it simple with acupuncture, fertility boosting foods, and easy lifestyle counseling to reduce stress and make each cycle count. For those starting from scratch, we like to blend in custom Chinese herbal medicine and supplements for daily fertility support.
Board Certified Herbal Medicine
​Taking Chinese herbs is like giving yourself a treatment every single day and can be the key to unlocking the most complicated and difficult to resolve health problems. Chinese herbal medicine works from the inside out, improving countless body functions to achieve your health goals. We provide easy to take herbal supplements that are customized for your specific needs and powered by milenia of research and use. Our formulas are safe, third party tested and certified, and effective for a wide range of issues. We especially love prescribing Chinese herbal medicine for digestive, menstrual, menopausal, and autoimmune issues. Years of rigorous training and national board certification mean that we always make sure that the herbs we prescribe are safe for you and will interact well with any medications or supplements you are already taking.

Bodywork & Cupping
Cupping is a traditional therapy that has been described by our patients as better than a massage. Sterilized glass cups are heated gently with fire and quickly applied to the skin, creating a vacuum. Negative pressure melts muscle tension and connective tissue adhesions. We most often use cupping on the back, neck, and shoulders, but also apply cupping to hamstrings, biceps, or wherever muscles are tight and painful. Cupping is used in conjunction with acupuncture to treat musculoskeletal complaints, improve circulation, and reduce tension. It is helpful for correcting postural imbalances from computer work or scoliosis, and helps improve athletic performance.